SagaS Rules

Purposes of the game designers

When creating Sagas Rules, the designers will was to propose as simple as possible rules for the as realist as possible a game experience. Their will was also to avoid manipulating too many types of dices and thus everything in the game is based upon the best known six faces dice. In fact these rules are only one of those proposed by the Magna Regula platform. Many of the scenarios proposed in the  Future Memories or in the Cthulhu Memories universes are using these rules because of their capability to encompass many types of worlds such as Cyberpunk or Heroïc Fantasy.

Some elements of the rules

Rules are available in their English and French versions. Here are presented some elementary principles: on one hand, the way to represent one character and on the other hand the way to solve those questions asked during the game such as “Will I survive?”.

Main Characteristics

SagaS Characters have eight main characteristics.









Derived Characteristics

They are derived from the main characteristics. The average person has a value of approximately 5 in these characteristics with one important SPEED where the average value is approximately 8.





How to throw dice in SagaS?

  • As a convention throw a 1D6* (said to be an open throw or one star 6 dice) means to throw one 6 faces die and if equals to 6 to throw it again and again until it is no more 6. The score is the addition of all the dice thrown.
  • Usually in order to know if a character succeeded doing an action, his or her player needs to throw a 2D6* against the characteristics chosen by the Game Master as driving the action. The throw needs to be lower or equal to the characteristic;
  • This way of throwing is how things are done in SagaS. As an example, damages are computed using usually a 4D6* (it depends of the weapon). As the 4D6* means four times a 1D6*, damages can become very important.

How to throw dice against skills?

As in many games, Characters have skills. When using them the Game Master has to know if the character succeeded using this skill. This is the reason to throw against your skill.

  • Throw a 2D6* then divide the skill value by the dice score. The throw degree is the rounded below score. If your characters or the situation require it there may be degree modifiers;
  • if the 2D6* is 2 you get a critical success. If the first two dice make 12 then you have a potential critical failure. When this happens there is always a need to refer to your Game Master in order to decide what occurs;
  • A critical failure happens when your throw is more strictly than two times your skill.

How to get the rules

SagaS Rules are accessible completely under the Open Game License (OGL, see below). These rules may evolve due to acquired experience or agreed request from the community.

A version of the rules exists with examples and in a near future illustrations. This document Cannot be redistributed or copied without the authors permission. 


An extension mechanism exists in order to complete the existing rules due to the specificities of the world you are playing in (you can certainly play using the basic rules in a science fiction world but it will be easier for the Game Master not to search any time he wants something done). As it is only one extension is available (there again french version only) : Psis powers. This extension is available but cannot be redistributed or copied without the authors permission. These rules are in a beta version and will evolve.

Open Game License

The “Open Game Licence” has been written by the Wizard of the Coast company. This License may be characterised thanks to the following principles:

  • Game Masters have no obligation to by a book or any document in order to use the rules;
  • Game Masters and Players have any rights to adapt the rules to their needs.