Author Archive admin_sagas


SagaS : an “opensource” RPG Rules System

Universal Rules System for RPGs, SagaS is released under OGL (Open Game License) License, ie in “opensource”.


Launching of the New “Cthulhu Memories” World

1st of June 2021

It is now time to present a new game world. Building upon Howard Philips Lovecraft rich universe, The SagaS Team has decided to launch the creation of a world dedicated to this age of Terror as foreseen in its dream by this famous horror stories writer.

 SagaS rules allow you to play at “low level” in a way as in Lovecraft’s stories or in a more pulpish way closer to the Robert Erwin Howard Cthulhu Mythos stories. This world is in addition to “Future Memories”. But you may mix the two if you want!


Launching the RPG SagaS and opening its website !

December, 1st 2020 :

The SagaS Team is very proud to announce the launching of the RPG “SagaS”, and the opening of its associated website : Visitor will also find original material featuring a series of worlds.


Future Memories : One universe, One History, Many Ages…

A complete Universe, An history but many different Ages: From 1862 to more than 12000, many things happened that allow to present different ages from Medieval-like environment to some weird sea cities or space habitat…